Associate Director
NYU Langone Dental Medicine
NYU Langone Dental Medicine
Yakima, Washington
Jessica Webb, DDS, MSD, MA, MSRT is a pediatric dentist practicing at Children’s Village, a multidisciplinary clinic for children with developmental disabilities in Yakima, Washington. She serves as the Associate Director for the NYU Langone Advanced Education in Pediatric Dentistry residency in Yakima and is an Affiliate Assitant Professor at the University of Washington. Dr. Webb co-authored the textbook Dental Care for Children with Special Needs. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. She was the chair of the AAPD Committee on Special Needs for 5 years, and currently serves on the AAPD Council on Post-Doctoral Education, Council on Scientific Affairs, and Nominations Committee. Dr. Webb was the 2020 recipient of the AAPD’s Album award.
Dr. Webb was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She completed her undergraduate education at San Diego State University and then attended dental school at UCLA. She trained in pediatric dentistry at the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital, where she served as chief resident. She earned an MS in Dentistry and an MA in Bioethics and Humanities while at the University of Washington. Additionally, Dr. Webb completed an MS in Recreational Therapy at Indiana University, and is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
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