Pediatric Dentist and Orthdontist
Durham Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
UNC Adams School of Dentistry
Durham, North Carolina
Doctor John Christensen is a dual trained pediatric dentist and orthodontist. He practices pediatric dentistry and orthodontics in Durham, NC. Dr. Christensen is one of a small number of dual trained dentists who practice both specialties. In addition to treating patients daily, he teaches in the pediatric dental residency program at the University of North Carolina where his primary responsibility is the orthodontic component of the residency program. Dr. Christensen teaches early orthodontic treatment concepts, how to manage trauma and missing teeth with orthodontic care, and how to guide multidisciplinary approaches in children with unusual problems. Dr. Christensen also discusses the use of autotransplantation of teeth in children who are missing teeth from either trauma or congenital reasons. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. He received his graduate training in Pediatric Dentistry and in Orthodontics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Christensen is co-editor and author in the 6th Edition of Pediatric Dentistry, a textbook used by many pediatric dental programs. He presents his pediatric and orthodontic cases to local, state and national audiences.
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