Pediatric Dentist / Owner Alabama Tongue-Tie Center Alabama Tongue-Tie Center Birmingham, Alabama
It seems everywhere you turn, parents and professionals are discussing, concerned about, and asking questions about airway issues and tongue and lip-ties. With so many opinions, objections, and success stories, it’s hard to cut through the noise. This evidence-based and clinically informed presentation will provide clarity to the real issues a less-than-optimal airway and a restricted tongue can cause throughout the lifespan. The pediatric dentist is well positioned to screen for, diagnose and treat, or refer these patients with a team-based approach to manage these interrelated and very common conditions. A thorough review of the literature, over a dozen clinical cases of all ages, diagnostic criteria, assessment techniques, and treatment recommendations will be discussed in this comprehensive lecture. Dr. Baxter will share the knowledge, successes, and struggles from his practice, and experience in treating thousands of patients with these conditions.
Learning Objectives:
Conduct a thorough exam on a baby, child, or adolescent, and classify the airway as well as tongue or lip restrictions. Screen for common symptoms related to these conditions.
Describe the literature relating to tongue and lip-ties and airway issues, and the best practices where research does not yet exist.
List the steps involved in assessing, diagnosing, referring to other specialists, and treating when indicated children with airway issues and tongue restrictions.